Monday, September 5, 2011

online reading vs. book reading

       After reading this article about how Americans have grown to hate reading paper text, I began to laugh to myself. The reason behind my laughter is because I can identify with them so well. For whatever reason, we have all gotten use to the colorful ways of online reading and how interesting it can be. From colored texts, to pictures, to videos, the writer has the readers audience from beginning to the end. When it comes to reading a textbook or newspaper, the audience has a different reaction.
       When I am given a reading assignment with a textbook, it seriously is like torture to sit there for hours and all your eyes see is black ink and white spaces. I think everyone needs a bit of excitement brought into reading especially if you are reading something about the biological foundations of the world. Personally, I obtain information better and receive it better when given a break from all those words, and this is coming from someone who enjoys reading books on a daily basis. 
       I am sure that the information textbooks are giving are quite interesting, but it is all about the delivery and layout of the text. I know my brain tends to shut down faster when given a block of text to read. Maybe it is the way our generation is beginning to receive information from the internet that is making the "old fashion way" look rather boring. Whatever the reason, my reading assignment from my textbook for my Psychology 101 class will still be due the next day. It is my responsibility to be able to read both online readings and the not as exciting, black and white readings as well. 


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