In the article "Will E-Books Replace Physical Textbooks," Indiviglio explains how students can benefit from eBooks and how some maybe making the switch. Although we have always learned to read physical books, eBooks bring another way to go about reading. Students can download textbooks and avoid the hassle of "overpriced, extremely big and heavy [textbooks]" (Indiviglio). eBooks may also cause a decrease in prices, which will persuade students to make the change from textbooks to eBooks. Although there are many positive factors, "pirating might be the barrier" (Indiviglio). If publishers cannot secure their materials, hackers will find a way to get a hold of it without paying a cent.
Although Indiviglio makes very valid and practical points to how students can benefit from eBooks, I believe it will be very difficult to completely change from physical books to eBooks. When we learned to read, we learned with having the actual book itself in front of us. Going from a physical book to an electronic book may be a too far stretch. Also, I know that I personally learn better when I can mark up the pages of the book I am reading and can go back and review the notes that I took. A huge factor in making this switch for students is if Universities will jump on board. Students are more likely to stay with textbooks if the Universities still promote them because this is what we are use to. Maybe one day we all will be reading from an eBook and we laugh at the thought of reading physical books. Until that day, I will continue to stay with the old way of reading books.
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